Finishing The Task
Thousands across the globe continue to experience life without
the hope of Jesus. We hope to change that forever.
Hunger is Stalking the Globe
Jesus called on his disciples to feed the hungry.
We are following in his footsteps.
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About Us

We've been actively serving around the world for 40 years.

Into All The World began in 1981 when several pastors and lay people met in Kitchener, Ontario to begin a mission enabling society: to enable individuals and churches to fulfill the call of God on their life in the area of missions. It started with 3 workers going to Kenya in 1981 and has grown into 27 missionaries in the field, many short-term missionaries and partnering with nationals in their own country. Bill Lewis volunteered to take the helm and retired in 2012 after many years as a Pastor, Missionary and Managing Director at Into All the World. IATW works with missionaries to help equip them with charitable status and the spiritual development to do the work God has called them to do. Although IATW manages projects all over the world, each project has been directed by God. IATW is a non-profit organization, member of Canadian Council of Christian Charities, is a registered charity, and it is based out of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

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