About The Mitchell Family 

David and Agnes are grateful to play a part in the re-evangelization of Scotland and the development of Christian leaders for this generation. They have been studying and serving in Scotland since 2015.

In the first few years there, they did itinerant ministry while David began bachelor’s then master’s theology degrees. This included evangelistic work and serving churches throughout Scotland. They also serve the Christian home education community, helping pioneer a homeschool cooperative and a family camp and doing public speaking on Christian education in Scotland. Agnes is actively involved in wider education, particularly teaching teens apologetics. A native Gaelic speaker, she is completing a Gaelic honor’s degree, and regularly preaches on the Gaelic radio Christian broadcasts.

Since 2018 David and Agnes have been serving with Connect Church in Kirkcaldy, Fife, which is David’s main focus. Connect is a prayerful and welcoming church that loves the presence of God and is a strong witness in the community, seeing people come to faith. Starting in 2024 David also serves as a tutor with the Apostolic Church training program, ACTS Divinity. Their adult children are involved in discipling and evangelistic work in Scotland and Europe. Acacia is leading an 18-38 ministry in Scotland that seeks to connect people to God, each other, and themselves. Elijah is serving with Steiger Mission which reaches out to the global youth culture.

They are asking us, ‘Would you pray that we would see revival break out and see broken people healed and loving Jesus?’