About Dr Barb Orlowski
Barb and her husband, Jim, had an interest in overseas ministry early on in their marriage. An opportunity opened for Jim and Barb and their young family to live in the Middle East for nine years. This allowed for travel and many cross-cultural experiences.
When it was time to return home to Canada, the family located near Trinity Western University and the seminary at A.C.T.S. Barb earned two Masters degrees in Biblical Studies and Theology as well as a Doctor of Ministry degree. Barb’s doctoral research was on spiritual abuse and recovery. She has a book by this title.
In April, 2016, Barb was invited to speak at a church leader’s conference in Eldoret, Kenya. The topic for this conference was Biblical Gender Equality. This opened a door for ministry in East Africa.
Since April, 2016, Barb has made eight ministry trips, doing a variety of conferences in East Africa–to empower God’s people with His Word. Barb works closely with two Ugandan pastors and their church networks. There are plans to work with young adults, to get them into training for various skills. There are opportunities to encourage and lift God’s people.
Barb is delighted that there are a number of teaching prospects for further ministry trips to East Africa. There is a call for continued teaching on these topics: Biblical gender equality, marriage and family, and church leadership. Barb seeks to network with others interested in Africa.
Barb’s consistent saying to her Ugandan pastor pals is: “You do what you can do. I will do what I can do. And God will do what he can do!”
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