About Annette Lievaart

Annette Lievaart has been serving at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet Kenya since 2013. She works as a Respiratory Therapist in the hospital. Tenwek is a 330 bed Hospital that provides care to patients in rural Kenya. As a Respiratory Therapist, Annette works with patients in the Intensive Care Units.

She also works with staff throughout the hospital providing training in areas of Respiratory and Critical Care.   As opportunities present themselves Annette visits neighbouring nations like Ethiopia to teach on respiratory care.

The motto of Tenwek hospital is “We Treat, Jesus Heals.” Sharing the love of Christ with patients takes place throughout the work day. Bible Study and Discipleship is also an important part of Annette’s ministry. Annette is also a part of Bible studies and discipleship for the Kenyans in the training programs at Tenwek.